Birthday Parties
Planning a birthday party? Our birthday parties are held during regular skating sessions. Take the stress out of your party and let us do the cleanup! Parties include: Admission, skate rental, pizza, drinks, ice cream & paper products (plates, tablecloth, napkins) for 10 people. Additional people are permitted however fees apply. Parties must be scheduled in advance.
1:00 PM
Homeschool Skate
Our homeschool skate if for any homeschoolers to attend. Bring your co-op or come solo. Reservations are not required. Keep Reading
7:00 PM
Friday Night Skating
Our skating session tonight is from 7-10pm. Cost is $10 adm & $5 skate rental. Funfull is accepted this evening for admi... Keep Reading
6:00 PM
Wednesday Family Night Skate
Family night skating is $7 admission and includes skate rental. Held every Wednesday night from 6-8pm. This is a perfect... Keep Reading
12:30 PM
Sunday Matinee Skate
Spend your Sunday afternoon with us! 12:30 - 3:30PM. Admission $7 and skate rental is $5. Sundays are a great time to sp... Keep Reading